In memoriam...

Bruce L Tempel

April 21st, 1956 - September 11th, 2021

Thank you for sharing your memories and photos of Bruce's life. They will be curated here in a digital album soon!
On the memorial page, you can find the video of the memorial, links to the eulogies, obituaries, and slideshow, and more information about the memorial service. You can also stay in touch with us through the contact form!

Bookmark this page! We will continue to update this site with photos and memories of Bruce for years to come.

© Flora Tempel. All rights reserved.

The Memorial Service

November 13th, 2021

On Saturday, November 13th, 2021, Bruce's family hosted a memorial service in celebration of his life at Northwest Horticulture Society Hall at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture.Approximately 60 family members and friends attended the service in person. Another 60 or so people attended via Zoom. Unfortunately, the Zoom recording had a technical issue that resulted in only the audio being captured, with no image. Instead, we have created a video with photos and the audio track. It's not perfect, but it's what we have! You can also find links on this page to a transcript of the eulogies and the slideshow by itself. The contents of the video are:0:00 Welcome - Flora Tempel
4:57 Lifelong Memories - Mark Hart
20:35 Slideshow - available here
20:41 Career Reflections - Stan McKnight
32:34 Career Reflections - Valerie Street
44:37 Career Reflections - Carol Robbins
50:03 Reminiscing Together - Sarah Shannon

Stories and Photos

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Want to send a memory or connect with Bruce's family? Send us an email here! We'd love to hear from you.

Thank you

Every time we get a message, we remember how many lives Bruce touched.